583 Words

20150523_154826-1 So my wife and I decided to start this blog. It seemed a noble endeavor, one that would challenge our creative juices while possibly providing useful insight or new perspectives to anyone choosing to read our varied ramblings. I was all in on the idea. Let’s do this thing.

Gungho! Then my wife asked a simple question: “What are we going to blog about?” Oh…..good question. What are we going to blog about? Before we get to that question, in this first entry in what we believe will be a long-running tapestry of the written word, let’s start with just a little about who we are. That seems apropos.

I am a middle-aged man of typical Midwestern upbringing. Grew up in an Irish-Catholic family with 4 siblings and two parents, who are still married – as of this writing – a whopping 65 years. My family was the very definition of middle class; not too ordinary and nothing extraordinary. Without much coaching or input from the rest of the family I managed to wiggle my way into being a sort of black sheep of the family.

While all my siblings matured in the normal fashion, I managed to create a wee bit of a problem for myself with drugs and alcohol. My foray into over-indulgence and sinful living lasted the better part of my 20’s, but in 1991, with the grace of God, I managed to escape that lifestyle and eventually I found repentance and submitted my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Now that is making a long story awfully short, but then it seems to me blogs probably shouldn’t be novels, so we’ll save further details for some other time.

As for my wife, the lovely Donna, we have quite a different story. She is from Oklahoma and I now know, thanks to her ever insightful input, that all good things come from Oklahoma. I will let her tell her story on her own, however, I can tell you she is my best friend and the one person on the earth I truly know I can fully count on in good times and in bad. Plus she makes the world’s greatest omelets.

Ok, now that introductions are out of the way, back to the question at hand. Exactly what are we going to blog about? The answer is simple: everything and anything….as the Spirit moves us. I cannot say that there is specific theme or topic in mind for my mind simply doesn’t work that way. I have developed a definitive hobby in what I like to call “cell phone photography” and I plan to weave my picturesque hobby with our words to – hopefully – create blog entries that will clarify, explain, inspire, and move the reader to consider the shared perspective.

As a Christian, you can expect our thoughts to be expressed in a way that (we pray) honors God and reflects His Word. I’m no expert, but I have studied pretty hard under many very smart teachers. We will try to share with you from a place of honesty and thoughtfulness, but we will never shy away from the difficult topics nor will we compromise on the message that is God’s Word. I’m not about being politically correct because I believe in absolute truth and absolute truth cares little for our feelings – it only wishes to protect our souls.

And that, folks, is what we will blog about. Give us a chance before you make up your mind. That’s all we ask.

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